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Simple Decorating Solutions for Your Rental Apartment

If you are looking for a new apartment to rent in the Fort Lauderdale area, Mayfair Property Management, LLC will help you find that rental that is just right for you. Everyone wants to live in a space that makes them feel comfortable and appeals to their personal tastes. In rentals, this can be a challenge because most rental spaces are set up to be pretty standard in appearance and “builder basic.”

If you just moved into a new rental, and you are not the biggest fan of the way your new place looks, here are some tips from our property management team for quick, easy, and affordable decorating. Remember you do not need to be afraid to decorate your rental, just make sure you are checking in with your property management team or landlord first, and then go forth and beautify!

A great way to really change up the look of your rental and add your personal touch is to change the paint. Embracing paint is an easy and simple way to make a space into your own. So, wave goodbye that ugly renter’s-basic beige and hello to style.

An added extra benefit to painting your rental is that if the color(s) of paint that you choose are relatively neutral, the landlord or property management team may not require you to repaint when you leave. The landlord may even thank you for adding some vibrancy to the space and making it more attractive for the next tenants.

Maybe you are not much of a painter yourself, and you do not really want to pay for a painter to upgrade your walls for you. Well, we have a great tip for you! There are lots of other forms of wall decoration such as decals and temporary wallpaper that can take that rental from drab to fab.

Decals are an excellent way to decorate your rental and add your personal style. If you search “wall decals” on Amazon, you can find hundreds upon hundreds of options. The best part is, they are pretty cheap! The average decal set on Amazon ranges between $15-25. Plus, they have an extensive variety.

If flowers are your thing, then you can make your rental your own secret garden. If you like sports, then get ready to step up to home plate. If you want something more classic, they also make very chic decals with intricate geometric patterns. Have fun and express yourself.

Decals are great because they are cheap, stay on while you need them, and are easily removed. When decorating a rental, you want to have versatile pieces that can transition from one space to another because you may not know when and where you will be moving next. However, when it comes to decals, you can afford to have that extra flare to fit the special place you are living in currently. So, if you just moved to Fort Lauderdale, go ahead and buy the sea turtle stickers or beautiful coral reef. It is worth it.

Another excellent idea for beautifying your rental is to consider buying an area rug. Many apartments cost more if they have brand new or hardwood floors. You may have opted to help your budget out and gone for that cold laminate flooring or worn-out carpet. Well, a lovely area rug can make a huge difference in the look and feel of your rental.

Rugs add color, texture, and comfort to a space. Once you buy one, it is yours to keep so it can travel with you from space to space. Find a rug that you really enjoy, and it is yours forever.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well they can do wonders for personalizing your rental too! Check in with your landlord or property management company to make sure you are allowed to hang art. Some leases do not allow it, but most do if you spackle-and-paint when you move out. So, have a blast while bringing some pizzazz to those bare walls.

Adding your art and photos to the walls can make a rental into a home. Fort Lauderdale has a great art scene where you can get beautiful photos, prints, or paintings by local artists to hang up on your walls. Experiment with hanging prints gallery-style or leaning a painting against furniture. There are tons of ways you can display art.

Not being the owner of a space should not hinder you from making it your own. There are tons of ways to beautify a rental. Moreover, because you do not own your rental, you can turn your attention to the “fun stuff” when it comes to decorating it.

Homeowners have to worry about mortgage payments, the emergency fund, and saving to renovate. You don’t! If your dishwasher breaks or there is a maintenance emergency, you have a landlord or better yet, a property management company, to take care of all of that. So, go ahead and save up for that new sofa you have always wanted. Buy those beautiful watercolor decals. Invest in a local artist. Be creative, be excited, and be yourself!
