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Pay Rent Online with Mayfair Property Management of Fort Lauderdale

If you are a Fort Lauderdale property owner, renter, or property manager, we would highly recommend that you consider paying your rent and bills online over mailing a check.  The digital world of today makes property management a breeze.  Online is the way to go and here is why.

Paying your rent online saves you money in the long run when you add up all the postage.  Paying your rent online also eliminates a paper trail.  Documents and checks can easily get lost in the mail.  Not to mention that it can take weeks for your checks to get from point A to point B.  With online bill pay, you can monitor your transactions any time of day conveniently. 

Online transactions show up instantaneously.  This allows the user to interact with management easily.  Also, any suspicious activity will be shown right away so the user will be able to react quickly.

When you are dealing with paying your rent or other property bills online, it is always a good idea to keep checking your email.  Email notifications alert the user when payment is received and processed.  Therefore, if you pay your rent online, you will not be worrying about a check being late or lost in the mail. 

Whether you are paying your bills online or by mailing a check, you must be very careful and vigilant in order to protect yourself and your accounts.  It is essential to consider safety and security monitoring when you are in the business of property management.

If you want to beef up your security, try logging into your bank accounts twice a week and make it a regular routine to check your credit report.  This will help make sure that credit card companies are accurately reporting your transactions.  Credit card companies have excellent fraud software now, but it is always a good idea to be double checking.  Criminals start with small transactions here and there to see if you notice, before hitting your bank account big.

When paying your rent online, here are some good tips to keep your account and personal information safe and secure.  For starters, it is never a good idea to pay your bills using a public computer or unsecured Wi-Fi.  Therefore, you won’t want to be paying next month’s rent in your local Starbucks.  This is like asking a stranger to mail your bills and trusting them with your all your checks and passwords.

Another tip to ensure your safety when paying rent or handling important billing information for property management is to choose a secure password.  A strong password usually combines upper and lower case, contains numbers, and uses symbols.  It is never a good idea to have your password be something like “password.”  Even your birthday is easy for a thief to figure out.
